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WarlocK A.D. – Book II: The Valley of Vâgené WarlocK A.D. – Book II: The Valley of Vâgené
Das zweite Album von WarlocK A.D.  „Book II: The Valley of Vâgené“ erscheint bei Rockshots Records und ist ideal für Fans von Nanowar of... WarlocK A.D. – Book II: The Valley of Vâgené

Das zweite Album von WarlocK A.D.  „Book II: The Valley of Vâgené“ erscheint bei Rockshots Records und ist ideal für Fans von Nanowar of Steel, Angus McSix, Beast in Black.

Die Heavy-Metal-Band aus den West Midlands, Großbritannien, WarlocK A.D. wurde 2019 gegründet und verbindet Symphonic-, Power- und Folk-Metal-Elemente mit parodistischen Fantasy-Themen.

Die Live-Shows von WarlocK A.D. werden als Live-Action-RPG-Events aufgeführt, bei denen mit einem Würfel die Richtung und Geschichte der Setlist bestimmt wird – wodurch bei jeder Show ein einzigartiges Live-Erlebnis entsteht!

WarlocK A.D.s zweites Album „Book II: The Valley of Vâgené“ erscheint bei Rockshots Records! Dieser Eintrag in die WarlocK A.D.-Saga, deren Entstehung über zwei Jahre gedauert hat, ist größer, gehaltvoller und kraftvoller als alles, was wir Ihnen bisher gebracht haben.

Das Album spielt direkt nach den Ereignissen von „Book I: The Reserrection“ und beginnt mit Whiteacre, dem mächtigen Hexenmeister, der in einer seltsamen neuen Welt gestrandet ist – machtlos und allein. Doch mit Hilfe des Elfenprinzen Quinn Eilianther, des Pilzzauberers Horatus und des Schattenmörders Ahriman Cullblade beginnt der Nomade Whiteacre die lange Suche ins Tal von Vâgené – das angeblich die Heimat eines Tors zum riesigen, unendlichen Multiversum ist. Die tapferen Helden erwartet jedoch Gefahr, denn Brittanni wird vom tyrannischen Zwergenkaiser Thorumm III regiert, der das Tal für seine eigenen schändlichen Zwecke sucht. Die prophezeite Ankunft eines Fremden im Land Brittanni hat das Tor geöffnet – so hat das Rennen zum Multiversum begonnen …

Das Album besteht aus 12 Tracks mit ineinander verwobenen musikalischen Geschichten. Von den mitreißenden Orchestersätzen von „The Golden Showers of Prestønia“ bis zu den wilden Folk-Metal-Aromen von „Rothgar Warsong“ kombiniert das Album den Sound und die Stile verschiedener Iterationen von orchestergeführtem melodischem Metal – und gipfelt in etwas, das sich wie ein vollwertiges Epos im D&D-Stil anfühlt, erzählt durch ein Heavy-Metal-Musical.

Das Land Brittanni birgt viele Geheimnisse, und nicht alles ist so, wie es scheint …
Die Suche nach dem Tal von Vâgené beginnt JETZT!


1. A Strange New World (That is not My Own)
2. The Valley of Vâgené
3. Nanum Imperium
4. The Golden Showers of Prestønia
5. By the Path of the Exiled
6. Rothgar Warsong
7. As One, We Stand!
8. Ancient Dragon of Storms Flüffir Mighty Guardian of Valley (Techno Wyrmhole)
9. The Sacred Spears of Brittanni
10. Stormbreather
11. The Sword of Cühm
12. The Rising Flames of the Eternal Golden Empire Rise

Band Members:

Cal Whittaker (As Whiteacre the Nomad) – Lead Vocals, Orchestral Composition/Programming
Michael Farmer (As Quinn Eilianther the Elven Prince) – Vocals, Bass Guitars
John Smith (As Horatus the Mushroom Wizard) – Backing Harsh Vocals, Guitars
Dan Cole (As Ahriman Cullblade the Shadow Assassin) – Programming, Guitars
Emperor Thorumm III – Phantom Drums

Additional Artists/voice cast:

Klara Wiliams – Æliána the Eternal (narrator)
Scot Evans – Rothgar Warsong AND Björnulfr the Beast-Slayer (voice)
Dani Bentham – Uriña the Siren (Voice and Singing)
Jade Marris – The Heavy Metal Battle Wench (Voice and singing)
Anna Rose – The Goddess Vâgené (Voice)

Track by Track

1. A Strange New World (That is not My Own)

Heavily inspired by Japanese Metal often used as Anime Openings, this track details the arrival of Whiteacre in the mysterious land of Brittanni, culminating in the journey to seek the aid of Horatus the Mushroom wizard.

2. The Valley of Vâgené

Released as an independent single in 2023, the album’s title track details the quest that is to be undertaken by the heroes to The Valley of Vâgené…

3. Nanum Imperium

…Meanwhile at the Dwarf Citadel of Lochnagar, the Evil Emperor Thorumm III details his plans to use the awakened Valley to leave Brittanni and conquer the vast infinite multiverse! A darker track, this song is heavily inspired by the likes of Behemoth and Children of Bodom.

4. The Golden Showers of Prestønia

The first track on the album with a real traditional power metal feel, this song is a cautionary tale as Whiteacre fails to heed the words of the Wizard, disturbing a magical pool and awakening the deadly Siren, Uriña (played by Dani Bentham of Wailing Banshee). This track also tells of the moment the Party is joined by Ahriman Cullblade the Shadow Assassin, having just saved Whiteacre’s life.

5. By The Path of the Exiled

Danger awaits as this folky track details the expedition over The Mountains of Titus via the Path of the Exiled Prince. Atop the mountain, Prince Quinn duels with Björnulfr the Beast Slayer (Played by Scot Evans) – an agent of the empire – told through the medium of a guitar duel.

6. Rothgar Warsong

Heavily inspired by the music of bands such as Turisas and Feuerschwanz, this track tells of the caputre of the party by a tribe of ravenous Half-orcs led by the titular Rothgar Warsong (Played by Scot Evans). When a Trial by Combat demanded by Whiteacre goes wrong, the intensity of the track ramps up as The Human Resistance of Brittanni swoops in to save the day.

7. As One, We Stand!

With fanfare and triumph we are introduced to The Human Resistance of Brittanni – led by the Heavy Metal Battle Wench (played by Jade Maris of Vanitas) – Who wage a constant war against the oppressive Dwarf Empire of Lochnagar. This song was influenced by the overture heard in the early Final Fantasy games and reveals that Ahriman Cullblade is infact the true King of Brittanni from the forgotten line of Anâlin.

8. Ancient Dragon of Storms Flüffir Mighty Guardian of Valley (Techno Wyrmhole)

Enter the Caverns of Nave at your peril…for you risk awakening the Ancient Dragon of Storms Flüffir – Mighty Guardian of The Valley of Vâgené! This high energy track is inspired by the more synth-laden works of Angus McSix, Beast in Black and Gloryhammer.

9. The Sacred Spears of Brittanni

A tragic tale of a fallen kingdom told alongside the mission to acquire the last of The Sacred Spears of Brittanni. This song is divided into both past tense and present tense lyrics and changes in intensity throughout reflecting the emotions of it’s storytelling

10. Stormbreather

The heroes of reached The Valley of Vâgené – and the final battle awaits! Heavier than most of the rest of the album, Stormbreather’s fast pace reflects the urgency and intensity of the battle with the ancient dragon… and the betrayal of the Elven Prince as he murders Horatus and defeats Whiteacre – leaving him for dead as the airship fleet of the Dwarf Empire arrives…

11. The Sword of Cühm

…All is not lost however, as Whiteacre awakens in the Eternal Halls of the Goddess Vâgené (Played by Anna Rose of Tales of Time/Pirate Queen). In this spoken word track, The Goddess bestows upon Whiteacre a celestial relic, The Sword of Cühm, and a chance to return to life – in return for his oath to protect the multiverse as Whiteacre the Mighty Hexblade of Vâgené.

12. The Rising Flames of the Eternal Golden Empire Rise

The longest track on the album at 14+ Minutes, the final song is a whirlwind culmination of all the previous tracks – featuring returning motifs, callbacks and reprisals – as Whiteacre returns to end the conquest of the Evil Dwarf Emperor with the aid of The Human Resistance of Brittanni led by King Ahriman and The Heavy Metal Battle wench, The Elves of Sherwood and a defeated and redeemed Prince Quinn – concluding with an epic reprise of the Album’s title track and an open ending as Ahriman and Whiteacre leave Brittanni behind, unsure of what lies before them in the multiverse…

Lydia Dr. Polwin-Plass

Promovierte Journalistin und Texterin, spezialisiert auf die Themen Kultur, Wirtschaft, Marketing, Vertrieb, Bildung, Karriere, Arbeitsmarkt, Naturheilkunde und Alternativmedizin. Mehr über Dr. Lydia Polwin-Plass auf ihrer Website: