Dimlight mit kraftvollem neuem Album – The Lost Chapters
ArchivNeue Scheiben, Film- und BuchtippsNews 2. Mai 2016 Lydia Dr. Polwin-Plass

Auf ihrer Tour teilten sie die Bühnen mit Metal-Größen wie Arch Enemy, Lacuna Coil, Epica, Septic Flesh, Rotting Christ, Firewind, The Haunted, Delain, Xandria, Vision of Atlantis, Leaves Eyes und vielen mehr. Jetzt sind sie bereit für ihr neues Album. ‘The Lost Chapters’ ist eine hervorragende Mischung aus Death und Symphonic Metal und erzählt stimmungsvoll von Ägyptischen Göttern und Mythen
After having toured extensively in Europe and shared the stage with Arch Enemy, Lacuna Coil, Epica, Septic Flesh, Rotting Christ, Firewind, The Haunted, Delain, Xandria, Vision of Atlantis, Leaves Eyes and many more, Dimlight is ready for their new album. ‘The Lost Chapters’ was released on Sliptrick Records.
Dimlight’s new album The Lost Chapters delivers powerful death metal tracks, blended with dark Symphonic elements. Aggressive guitars, pounding bass lines, sharp vocals but also deep and brutal shouts.
The production was made at Sound Flakes Studios and the engineer behind the solid outcome was
John Mcris who was responsible for both mixing and mastering.
The cover was an inspiration of the mighty Pierre Alain Durand (3MMI DESIGN).
In “The Lost Chapters” Dimlight had the pleasure of working with the following musicians: Narrator in the album was Jean Baptiste (Randomawalk). Maya (Μeden Agan) did the operatic vocals in “Clash of Immortals” and “Fields of Carnage”. Maria Melissanthi Routi (Kinetic) did the operatic and ethnic vocals in “Fields of Carnage”. Alfred Shtuni on live strings.
THE LOST CHAPTERS” is a concept album – a novel put to music and vice versa.
The story narrated in this album is the origin story of the Egyptian goddess Hathor. Drawing inspiration from the oldest Egyptian myths, Hathor is portrayed not as a goddess of love, joy and fertility as most people today generally consider her, but as bringer of bloodshed and vengeance upon mankind who strayed from the path of the gods into blasphemy.
In truth, it’s an elaborate mythos of the horror and historical fantasy genre recounting the grim tale of Hathor’s birth and her rampage through the lands of prepharaonic Eygpt.
Before the dynasties of human and mortal Pharaohs of recorded history the gods reigned over Egypt with Osiris at the throne. But Osiris had grown old. His skin was gradually turning into gold, his hair into lapis lazuli, his eyes into emeralds. He was turning into a statue,
for that is how age affects the gods. Mortal men would no longer respect his authority or fear him for he had no more spells or words of power to maintain his former strength. So they turned from him and became blasphemers.
Osiris, wishing to chastise them, uses the last of his magic to create Hathor, a new-born beautiful goddess, with one sole purpose: to chastise mankind.
Dimlight is officially endorsed by: Schechter Guitar Research, Mapex Drums, 39 Custom Guitars, Rotosound Strings and Visual Sound Pedals.
Auf FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/Dimlighttheband
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