Neue Scheiben, Film- und BuchtippsNews 27. Februar 2022 Reviews

Der schwedische Bassist, Produzent und Songwriter Jonas Lindberg veröffentlicht mit seinem Prog-Rock-Projekt JONAS LINDBERG & THE OTHER SIDE Mitte Februar ein neues Album Namens „Miles From Nowhere“.
2012 hob der schwedische Bassist, Produzent und Songwriter Jonas Lindberg ein Progressive Rock Projekt aus der Taufe. Dieses Projekt fand seine Ursprünge in einem Examens-Projekt an der Music Academy in Piteå, Schweden, während die EP „In Secret Pace“ aufgenommen und 2013 digital veröffentlicht wurde Die Nachfolge-EP „The Other Side“ wurde 2013 mit einem fünfköpfigen Line-up produziert, das auch auf dem ersten Album „Pathfinder“ (2016) und nun auf dem neuen, zweiten Full Length-Album zu hören ist. Aus dem Namen der zweiten EP entstand schließlich der Projektname: JONAS LINDBERG & THE OTHER SIDE.
Soundtechnisch bietet JONAS LINDBERG & THE OTHE SIDE allerfeinsten Progressive Rock. Dabei legt Lindberg beim Songwriting sehr viel Wert auf verspielte Melodien, die die Songs ohne Umschweife in den Gehörgang fließen lassen. Dazwischen wunderbare progressive Verspieltheiten, die sich aber perfekt in die Melodien einfügen. Dass sich auf „Miles From Nowhere PT V: Miles From Nowhere“ Roine Stolt (The Flower Kings, Transatlantic) die Ehre gibt, kann durchaus als Referenz gesehen werden. Besonders ergreifend ist die positive Grundstimmung des Sounds. Besonders bei den beiden über 10-minütigen Songs „Summer Queen“ und „Oceans Of Time“ und der 25-Minuten-Suite „Miles From Nowhere“ spielt Lindberg sein kompositorisches Können voll aus. Mit „Why I´m Here“ ist sogar ein durchaus radiotauglicher Song dabei.
Insgesamt ist „Miles From Nowhere“ ein Album, an dem jeder Rock und Metal-Fan seinen Spaß haben kann, da es einfach nur tolle rockige Musik ist, die direkt vom Gehörgang durch die Gehirnwindungen ins Glückszentrum springt.
Was „Miles From Nowhere“ songtechnisch zu bieten hat, gibt es direkt von der Band track by track:
1. “Secret Motive Man”:
A song written by Jonas Lindberg and Jonas Sundqvist about a man who’s intentions aren’t entirely clear. This track contains lots of odd time signatures and folky melodies along with some great drumming from Jonathan Lundberg.
2. “Little Man”:
This song originates from an improvised jam session with Jonas Lindberg and Jonas Sundqvist. The first verse is entirely what came out of the improvisation and Lindberg then wrote the song around it. The lyrics are about confronting your inner child, telling you to stop and question your goals in life. One of the more pop oriented songs of the band.
3. “Summer Queen”:
This epic based on the four seasons, was originally written in 2003 by classmates Jonas Lindberg and Joakim Wiklund. This version is extended and fully fleshed out into a breathtaking progressive piece with lots of peaks and valleys, along with beautiful vocals from the band’s female singer Jenny Storm.
4. “Oceans Of Time”:
This epic is sung by band leader and songwriter Jonas Lindberg himself and is about an ending relationship in the form of a ship on a stormy ocean. It features intense drumming from Simon Wilhelmsson and stunning guitar solos from Calle Stålenbring as well as folky melodies.
5. “Astral Journey”:
A folky instrumental track based on acoustic guitar patterns and weird time signatures. This tune features Jonas on most instruments as well as epic percussion landscapes provided by Maria Olsson and Jonathan Lundberg.
6. “Why I’m Here”:
A short progressive song in 7/8 time about stalking, sung by Lindberg. This song features lead guitar from Jonas’s brother Joel!
“Miles From Nowhere”:
The title track and monumental epic of the album about the journey back from the ashes of a crashed relationship. This 25 minute suite is sort of a homage to some of Jonas’s influences and features some of the best instrumental and vocal performances from all of the band members topped off by the guest appearance of guitarist Roine Stolt in the majestic ending.
7. “Miles From Nowhere PT I: Overture”:
Instrumental overture introducing the themes of the suite and what you might expect later on. An intricate instrumental progressive piece in odd time signatures.
8. “Miles From Nowhere PT II: Don’t Walk Away”:
This Beatle influenced part features the first vocal appearance from Jonas Sundqvist and guitars by Nicklas Thelin.
9. “Miles From Nowhere PT III: I Don’t Know Where You Are”:
The third part offers some intense rock in the style of Deep Purple alongside some more fusion inspired choruses. This part features some insane guitar solos by Calle Stålenbring.
10.“Miles From Nowhere PT IV: Memories”:
The fourth part is a ballad sung by Lindberg. A sort of reflection upon what has happened lately in life. Jonas plays all the instruments supported by Maria Olsson on percussion.
11.“Miles From Nowhere PT V: Miles From Nowhere”:
The final majestic anthem and return of the main themes. Jonas Sundqvist delivers the vocal performance of his life followed by an epic guitar solo from The Flower King himself, Mr. Roine Stolt.
Anspieltipps: Secret Motive, Summer Queen, Why I´m Here, Miles From Nowhere
- Secret Motive Man 07:26
02. Little Man 05:49
03. Summer Queen 15:51
04. Oceans Of Time 11:36
05. Astral Journey 05:50
06. Why I’m Here 04:26
07. Miles From Nowhere Pt I: Overture 06:54
08. Miles From Nowhere Pt II: Don’t Walk Away 04:18
09. Miles From Nowhere Pt III: I Don’t Know Where You Are 04:39
10. Miles From Nowhere Pt IV: Memories 03:00
11. Miles From Nowhere Pt V: Miles From Nowhere 06:42
Line up:
Jonas Lindberg – Bass, Keyboards, Guitars, Lead & Backing Vocals
Jonas Sundqvist – Lead Vocals
Jenny Storm – Lead & Backing Vocals
Jonathan Lundberg – Drums
Simon Wilhelmsson – Drums on “Little Man & Oceans Of Time”
Calle Stålenbring – Guitars
Nicklas Thelin – Guitars
Maria Olsson – Percussion
Joel Lindberg – Lead Guitar on “Why I’m Here”
Roine Stolt – Lead Guitar on “Miles From Nowhere”
Review: Michael Glaeser
Veröffentlichungstermin: 18.02.2022
Label: InsideOut Music
Video auf Youtube von „Oceans Of Time“: